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Making Sure Your Las Vegas Air Conditioner is Efficient

Making Sure Your Las Vegas Air Conditioner is Efficient

Your air conditioner accounts for a huge portion of your energy costs during the summer months. So making sure it’s running as efficiently as possible going into the warmer months will end up saving you a lot. Regardless of what kind of air conditioning system you have, there are steps you can take to make sure it’s working more efficiently without purchasing a new unit. Air conditioning repair can help out a lot, but aside from that, here are some ways to make sure your air conditioner is running as well as possible:


Having a professional service your AC unit at least once a year will ensure you’re getting everything you can out of it. They’ll find repairs that you may need and perform small services that will make sure your AC is healthy.

Clean your machine.

Making sure your air ducts are clean will ensure your air conditioner can distribute air throughout your home without any trouble, so you’ll use energy for the same results. You should also make sure air filters are clean, or, again, you’ll be wasting energy. Install fresh air filters once every three months during the cooling season. This will also help with indoor air quality.

Check your chimney.

If you have a chimney, make sure it’s flue is sealed. This is easy to overlook, and you can lose a lot your conditioned air through the flue.

Timing is everything.

Make sure you use heat-producing appliances, most importantly dishwashers and ovens, during the coolest part of the day. It’s going to be more difficult to cool your home while you’re using these types of appliances. So waiting until the evening will help you save on energy during the summer months.


Check all the insulation around the doors, windows, and any other openings in your home. You’ll find that older windows especially can allow tons of air to escape. If you can’t repair these windows, you may need to consider replacement windows. Making sure air can’t escape from these areas will save you a ton of money. You can’t afford to air condition all of Las Vegas!


Use ceiling fans to help circulate the air through your home. This will let your air conditioner work a little less since your ceiling fans will be assisting it. You can also use vent booster fans to help with circulation. Also, ventilation fans left near a window can help you remove hot air from a kitchen, bathroom, or anywhere else you may produce heat.

These steps can help any cooling system become more efficient, so your house will be cooler and you’ll see your energy costs drop. A professional air conditioning repair contractor can assist you with tune-ups, as well as any repairs you may need.

If you are looking for a Las Vegas area HVAC Company for heating or air conditioning services then please call 702-515-7773 or complete our online request form.